Water Management
Introduction of water saving strategies to University Hostels
Introduction of water saving strategies to University Hostels
Per capita water consumption and water usage pattern of of students who received accommodation facilities in the Yakkaduwe Pannarama Boys Hostel (YPBH) was studied in the year 2017. The water u…READ MORE
Rain water harvesting in the University of Kelaniya
Rain water harvesting in the University of Kelaniya
University as a responsible higher educational institute, promotes waste water collection, treatment and reuse. Waste water released from the university hostels, are being treated and reused for garde…READ MORE
Water management at the University
Water management at the University
Rain water harvesting is the method of using rain water for a useful work of our daily life. It includes, collecting and storing of rain water from rooftops using simple techniques such as tubs or tan…READ MORE